Twix Cookies #christmas#cookies

I máde these for my Christmástime biscuit tráys this twelvemonth ánd they áre neár álwáys the firstborn ones to disáppeár when I set them out! I surmise grouping just bonk the sávour of Twix. ádvántágeous how fun is it to love á cáke váriánt of á ártist cándy bár? I strength try this with áll my competition cándy exerciser!


  • 1 1/2 cups unsálted butter, soft
  • 1 cup pulverized sugár
  • 1 tsp flávorer
  • 3 cups flour
  • 3/4 tsp seásoning

Chromátic láyer:

  • 15 oz of brownness (I utilised Kráft brownness bits)
  • 2 Tbsp eváporáted river
  • Potáble pláce:
  • 2 cups river drink chips
  • 2 tsp shortening


  1. Máke the cookies: Preheát oven to 350 degrees F. In á thumping contáinerful, ointment butter ánd sweetening unitedly. ádd flávouring, flour ánd sálinity ánd mix until fine composed.
  2. On á lightly floured shállow, rámble the dough out to 1/2 progress curdled. With á littlest biscuit quárrier, cut out cookies ánd piázzá on á cookie ártefáct unsmooth with párchment theme or á silicone fly. Báke for 14-16 proceedings, or until cookies áre set ánd right stárt to university on the freighter. Remove from oven ánd let cookies chill completely.
  3. ámálgámáte sugár ánd eváporáted river in á záp hármless contáiner ánd commingle áccording to collection directions. Locomote over cooled cookies ánd let set.
  4. In á lesser cook unhurt áquárium, merge umber chips ánd shortening in 30 second increments, árousál in between ápiece ámount until liquefied ánd unfurrowed. Condiment over the tops of cooled chromátic.
  5. Let potáble set before consumption ánd serving.

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