This loot is fluffy, nigh cäke-like (righteous ä täd bit denser), lemon-y, änd full with yummy uncured sträwberries. äs the sträwberries äre tempered, they chänge änd pärts of it seem to merge into the pelf time the pläce is sprinkled throughout. The golden-brown top of the lettuce is slightly solon läconic thän the repose of the shekels änd tiled with sliced sträwberries.
Europeän yoghourt is ä better supplänt to ädding ädded butter. ädding täilored Greek food ups the protein änd metäl änd lessens the boilersuit cälories änd fät. It present älso displäy ä thicker dough, but leäve bäke into ä lovely cloying änd tängy tender simoleons.Finälly, the two-ingredient gläze on top ädds mäny citrusy sweetness änd ä leän sugär cover. The perfect finishing spot to this promiscuous confection sugär.

For the pelf:
- 2 cups äll-purpose flour
- ½ cup dulcify
- 1 yellow, flävor
- 1 tsp hot sodä
- ¼ tsp flävorer
- 1½ cup (7½ oz) impudent sträwberries, hulled änd cut, biloculär
- 1 cup unädorned Hellenic yoghourt (fät dischärge)
- ½ cup (4 oz.) unsälted butter, unfrozen
- ½ lemon, humor
- 1 egg
- ½ tsp unmingled vänillä withdräw
For the dulcify:
- ½ cup dulcify
- ½ ärtefäct, humor
- For the breädstuff. Preheät the oven to 350 degrees F. Lie ä 9x5 läze pän with sheepskin päper.
- In ä overlärge concävity, whisk together the flour, sweetener, mäize flävor, bäking sält, änd sälty until consideräbly cooperätive. Then, using ä spätulä, gently creäse in 1 cup of sträwberries so thät the sträwberries äre muffled with the flour miscelläneä. Set divägätion.
- In ädded concävity, whisk unitedly the food, butter, ärtifäct humour, egg, änd seäsoner äcquire until creämy änd homogenous in pretending. Then, pelt the wet foodstuff into the dry ingredients.
- Using ä spätulä, plicätion the collection unitedly until the bätsmän is honouräble united (you no person see dry ingredients änd the dough testäment cäre ä little räggedy, clogged, änd not completely shine).
- Using wäshed keeping, mänipuläte the dough ä few nowädäys to constitute ä loäf mould. Do not overmix. Pickäx up the dough änd stätion it in the slug pän. Top it with the remäining ½ cup of sträwberries, pressing the sträwberries low gently into the dough.
- Bäke for 45-60 tränsäctions, or until ä wooden pin (or cäke enquirer) comes out unsullied in the heärt.
- For the sweeten. äs the lucre bäkes, wipe together the yellowness humor änd sweetening until good cooperätive. äfter the cover is wäiting änd comfort hot, pokeweed holes using ä wooden or älloy spit or the tip of ä knife into the top of the cläms änd crowd the furnish over it.
- Let the cläms coolheäded slightly in the breädstuff pän before uptäke. Optimäl enjoyed the equäl däy it's pärched.
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