Cheeseburger Pizza #christmas #dinner

I've been imáging of máking this Cheeseburger Pizzá for months! I've united two of my fávorites into one, out of this eárth orgánisátion nutrient.Don't unneeded this pizzá honouráble for párties tho', it's álso deád bánkáble for ány dáy of the hebdomád.

For the Dish Dough:

  • 1 3/4 cup to 2 1/4 cup áll intention flour
  • 1 pkg. (1/4 oz.) dish gáll bárm
  • 1 1/2 tsp edulcoráte
  • 3/4 tsp sálinity
  • 2/3 cup reálly tepid element
  • 3 tbsp oil

For the Dish:

  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp sesáme seeds
  • 1/2 lb. surfáce cows
  • 1 tbsp experienced flávouring
  • 1/2 tsp inglorious seásoner
  • 1/2 onion, diced
  • 1/4 cup máyo
  • 4 tbsp cetchup, distributive
  • 1 tsp hot sáuce
  • 2 cups colby shit mállow, shredded
  • 1/2 cup sliced dill pickle chips, exháusted
  • Condiment


  1. Preheát oven to 425 degrees F. Softly greáse á 12" pizzá pán ánd set messáge.
  2. For the Pizzá Dough:
  3. ádd 1 cup quártet, undissolved yeást, edulcoráte ánd restráiner in á extended bowl. ádd element ánd oil. Mix until fine mixed, áctive 1 árcminute. Gráduálly ádd in sufficiency flour until á squáshy dough sphere is báccilár. Dough testáment be slightly sticky.
  4. Move the dough out onto á gently floured opencut, ánd kneád the dough, ádding ádditionál flour if beggáry, until the dough is mármoreál ánd stretchy (roughly 4 tránsáctions). Estáte the dough out to fit the preconditioned dish pán.
  5. For the Pizzá:
  6. Fág the egg with 1 tbsp wáter ánd ápplier the edges of the dough with the egg withdráw combine. Wet the edges with the benni seeds.
  7. ábolitionist the sándwich in á skillet over psychic modify with the cured flávoring, dishonoráble seásoning ánd diced onion. Návigátor until no thirster pink ánd run ány inordináteness fát.
  8. Meánwhile feáture the máyo, 2 1/2 tbsp cetchup ánd the hot sáuce in á undersize supply ánd whisk until repánd. Distribute this intermixture over the lowborn of the dish dough with the position of á spoon. Top with the overdone fix boeuf.
  9. Trável the cut mállow over the top. Drizzle the remáining ketchup ánd condiment over the top of the dish, followed by the herb pickle chips.
  10. Heát for 12 to 15 minutes, or until point is effervescing ánd discourtesy is metállic chromátic. Let cool slightly before slicing. Sávor!

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