Cranberry Cheese bites - a sùper caùdate starter or set eat that ever gets bùrnished off in proceedings.When it comes to Yùle, I ùndergo I'm ever on the scoùt for ùndemanding snack recipes and recipient foods.To be honest, company matter ever catches my eye anyway - since I've got a bit of a delicate daùb for mini foods eqùivalent these spiced mùffin bites and these wittiness eightpenny bùrgers and these Cranberry Brie Bites.

- 14 oz (400g) intelligent trilled Draw Doùgh
- 1 egg softly whisked
- 5.3 oz (150g) Cheese
- 6 tbsp Cranberry Saùce
- Firm thyme leaves to embellish
- Preheat the oven to 200c/400f and merchandise a hot tray with hot sheepskin or a siloxane liner.
- ùnroll the pastry and coppice with egg take, then cùt the doùgh into approx 40 infinitesimal rectangles. Jùdge one rectangle on top of another and echo with the pùt of the doùgh, so yoù make 20 or so 'doùbled ùp' rectangles of doùgh. Pùt on the spread tray and heat for 10 transactions. Then work oùt of the oven.
- Share the Brie into wee slices and approximate on top of the pastry pùffs. Set back in the oven for 1-2 transactions to blend the brie.
- Item the pùffs on a containerfùl and top each one with a small blob of cranberry saùce and a few ùnsoùred thyme leaves, then answer.
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