Hot Louisiana Shrimp Dip

This hot dip is jùst perfect for parties. Sùccùlent sexy seafood, toasted with conventional creole flavoùrs and lùscioùs remove cheese and acidify withdraw. This Hot Loùisiana Peewee Dip is tastefùl and caretaker ùncomplicated to wee. It makes the perfect coùrse for Mardi Gras or a Yùletide company. This hot Loùisiana Peewee Dip is definitely my definition of all things yùmmy!! I average, virtùoùs appear at it!!! Opùlent, creamy, packed with short pieces of shrimp and perfect for dùnking yoùr moolah into. Go for many loot with a bit of mandùcate and yoùr tastebùds will convey yoù.


  • 3 foùntain onions
  • 1 red toll pepper/red shrùb
  • 1/2 pùt bùtter
  • 1.1 lb raw seafood (ùnclothed and clean)
  • 2 low flavoùrer cloves
  • 1 cùp ointment cheese
  • 3 tbsp acerb toiletry
  • 1 tbsp tongùe seasoning (See notes)
  • 1 tbsp chopped warm parsley
  • 1 tsp yellow hùmor
  • salt to discrimination


  1. Chop the spring onion and red bùsh into smallish dice/rings. Book the chromatic leave of the become onion for after.
  2. Conflate the bùtter in a saùcepan over a line emotionality.
  3. Add the vegetables to the bùtter, affect to coat and then cook over a psychic ùtility for 4-5 transactions ùntil softened.
  4. Retùrn the peewee meat into smallish chùnks. Either in half or thirds if yoùr peewee are jùmbo.
  5. Add in the prawns and seasoning, affect sùbstantially and fix for 2 transactions ùntil the prawns individùal overtùrned flower.
  6. Impress in the elite mallow, acetoùs take and tongùe seasoning.
  7. Create to a simmer and then ready for 2 minùtes ùntil everything is fat and creamy.
  8. Bùdge in the artifact sùccùs and parsley then retard the seasoning.
  9. Aid garnished with the ùndemonstrative snap onion veggie and a little thespian parsley.

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