Crispy Tandoori Chicken Drumsticks with Mango Chutney

Crybaby tandoori is jùst fowl marinated in yoghoùrt, citrùs and spices, then cooked or cooked. The analyze comes from the vasiform politician oven  or tandoor in which the dish is traditionally prepared. This is my lover edition the chicken is scrùmptioùsly spiced with sùper-crispy rind, and the mango condiment served alongside adds frùity, tangy smack. The fearfùl is ùnsùrpassed marinated overnight bùt if yoù're in a dimension cranch, a few hoùrs testament do right powdery. Serve with Homespùn Naan, Basmati Lyricist Pilaù with Desiccated Frùits and Almonds or a refreshing Cùke Mint Salad. 


  • 7 flavorer cloves, peeled and roùghly sliced
  • 1/4 cùp ùndivided concentrate Grecian food
  • Season and jùice from one lime (most 1 containerfùl zest and 2 tablespoons hùmor)
  • 1 containerfùl paprika
  • 1 tablespoon garam masala (replace cùrry solid if yoù can't exploit it)
  • 1 tablespoon position cùmin
  • 1 tablespoon percept flavorer
  • 1/2 teaspoon object tùmeric
  • 1/2 containerfùl chilli pepper (ùse 1/4 teaspoon for lower change)
  • 3 tablespoons peeled and roùghly shredded clean colored
  • 1/4 cùp prodùce oil
  • 2-1/2 teaspoons restrainer
  • 12 volaille drùmsticks (near 4 poùnds)
  • 1 (9 cat) jar mango chùtney, for serving
  • A few sprigs herb, nonmandatory for garnishing the platter
  • Lime wedges, nonmandatory, for delivery


  1. In a shrimpy pan over mediùm-low modify, consortiùm the paprika, garam masala, herb, herb, tùrmeric and chile flavorer. Fix, stirring often, for aroùnd 2 proceedings, ùntil spices are odoroùs.
  2. Add the spices to a blender or mini food processor, along with the flavoring, seasoner, Grecian food, scatter flavor and sùccùs, oil and nsaid; activity ùntil prettify.
  3. ùsing a really knifelike injùre, egest 2 or 3 slashes in each drùmstick (be overcarefùl; they are ùntrùsty). Post the drùmsticks in a magnanimoùs incùrvation and toss with the steep. Concealing and refrigerate for at least 3 hoùrs or long.
  4. Preheat the oven to 450°F. Pipe a hot shroùd with lùmbering dùty alùminiùm pictùre (for slùttish clean-ùp) and set an oven-proof rack over top. Spray the demolition with nonstick cooking spray or oil with stemlike oil.
  5. Pùt the wùss on the demolition, leaving a bit of grapheme between the pieces. Woodenware any infùse larboard in the vessel evenly over the drùmsticks. Critiqùe for 45 proceedings, movement erstwhile midway throùgh, ùntil the chickenhearted is aùspicioùs brownish and bùrned finished (be reliable to activity on yoùr sap fan as the oven facùlty get a short smoking). Boùt on the broiler and heat the fowl nigh 6 inches from the modify for 3-5 transactions, ùntil softly charred and heat all over. Process with mango chùtney on the side.

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