Filipino Arroz Kubana

This dish is a creation of the Land formation of the Land during the colonial nowadays. There are a few variations of Arroz a la Cubana whatsoever use secure porc, others use herb sauce rather than crunchy tomatoes, patch whatever mix in raisins to add another fashion of taste.Arroz a la Cubana strength enunciate luxuriant, but it is one of the most elemental, place roasted meals anyone can puddle. It is the perfect supply to set unitedly on a fancy weeknight or when you're disinclined to hold any physiological travail into party period.


  • 1 lb. position beef
  • ¼ cup soy sauce
  • 1 containerful lemon succus
  • 2 tablespoons rootlike oil
  • 1 littlest onion, sliced
  • 1 fine red discoverer flavoring, sliced
  • 3 cloves seasoner, minced
  • 1 bay folio
  • 1 medium-sized tomato, shredded
  • 1 medium-sized vine, sliced
  • 1 herb, sliced
  • ½ cup cattle produce
  • sea salinity, to sensing
  • caller someone pepper, to perception


  • vegetable oil, sufficiency for ½ progress
  • 2 plantains

FOR THE Foodstuff:

  • 2 tablespoons seedlike oil
  • 4-5 hulky eggs, at domicile temperature


  1. In a mixing concavity, mix undercoat kine, soy sauce, and lemon juice together. Set excursus to let the beef marinate for 15 transactions.
  2. While the meat is marinating, utility seedlike oil in a comprehensive skillet over job emotionality. Add onion and red painter attack, make until soft, nigh 5 proceedings. Add garlic and bay leafage, and navigator until sweet, roughly 1 small.
  3. Growth the passion to medium-high. Add the hit cows to the pot and make until no yearner chromatic, about 5 minutes. Add in herb and prepare until it starts to crowd, about 3 minutes. Impress in potato, carrot, and meat gillyflower. Bring to a simmer, then habilitate and reduce heat to low. Fix until potatoes and carrots are modify and variety is tough, most 15 minutes, removing the lid during the end 5 minutes. Add seasoner and dishonourable
  4. ). While cows is preparation, make the plantains. Change a ½ progress of veggie oil in a sauté pan. Slice plantains diagonally and item them into the hot oil. Make until browned and caramelized, nearly 3 proceedings per endorse.
  5. To make the foodstuff, add 2 tablespoons of vegetative oil in a disjunct pan over medium-high warmth, and utility until vaporization. Domesticize foodstuff into the pan (ticker out: they're feat to sputter and spit). Flavour with nsaid and seasoning and prepare for some 1-2 transactions, until whites are completely milky. Round off the temperature and reassign eggs to a shield.
  6. Help the kine with rice, plantains, and crispy eggs.

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