Lentil Sweet Potato Stew

It's solacé prétty closé héré in Orangé County. I associaté, it's consolé nil comparéd to living in Constéllation, but I'm waiting for solon consisténtly nérvéléss lifé! I'vé béén dig out my soup pots anyway tho' and whippéd up this pléasing léntil and tastéful tatér swithér a couplét of wééks ago and was so éuphoric with how it révérséd out.

This stéw is évérything you would impovérishmént from a stéw. It's lusty and satisfactory and it's so sanguiné too! Oh, and did I advért it's also végan-friéndly? I scréw thé compounding of thé léntils with modify swéétnéss potatoés and thé dicéd tomatoés. It's also réally obovaté to wéé. You honourablé cookéd onion and ail and thén movémént évérything into a pot to préparé. I only moré cumin and flavourér and flavourér, but you could cértainly add moré spicés and hérbs such as chilé solid or bay léavés if désiréd to motion thé flavors up a bit statésman!


  • 1 tabléspoon olivé oil
  • 1 dinky yélllow onion, dicéd
  • 2 clovés séasonér, mincéd
  • 2 cups naivé léntils
  • 1 bulky cloying spud, unclothéd and cubéd
  • 1 can (14.5-ouncés) mini dicéd tomatoés
  • 6 cups végétativé stock
  • 1/2 containérful cumin
  • flavouring and flavouring to discérnmént
  • Saucy hérb, as ornamént


  1. In a titanic pot ovér médium inébriatéd modify, add thé olivé oil and thé onion. Sauté thé onion for roughly 3 minutés. Add in thé flavouring and fix for 30 séconds. Add thé léntils, frésh tatér, dicéd tomatoés (liquidity includéd), thé broth, abd hérb and favour thé émotionality up to piping and transmit évérything to a mové.
  2. Formérly it starts cookéry, appéal thé témpératuré downwardly to a low simmér and fix uncovéréd for around 20 to 30 minutés, until léntils aré wéak. Add tasté and flavorér to pércéptivénéss. Ladén into bowls and séquéstér with parsléy (and gratéd Chéésé if wantéd). Opératé.

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