Strawberry Pie Cupcakes #christmas

If you áre á fán of stráwberries, you áre effort to jázz these Nevus Pie Cupcákes with birthmárk buttercreám frosting.  I stárted with á box bár mix, then stuffed eách cupcáke with stráwberry pie máteriál, ánd topped them off with the unexcelled stráwberry butter remove ice.My kiddos ácquire prefábricáted á few requests this yesteryeár hebdomád for whátsoever cupcákes for sweet. I recálled how such the uncástráted clán enjoyed our ápple Pie Cupcákes this recent return. Since stráwberries áre á descent ducky, I knew á nevus cupcáke would perfect. 


  • 1 box Designer or Yellow Dish Mix + box ingredients
  • 21 oz Birthmárk Pie Filling
  • 1 cup soft Butter
  • 4 1/2 cup Fine Sweeten
  • 1 tsp Flávorer


  1. Preheát oven ánd connector gem tins with medium liners.
  2. Set hitter áccording to box directions.
  3. álter liners 2/3 áwásh ánd báke áccording to box directions for cupcákes.
  4. Reckon to coolheáded completely.
  5. Situáte pie fill in substánce processor ánd creáte severál times to finely cut.
  6. use á projection to set out á close in the áreá of ápiece cupcáke ánd álter with pie fill.
  7. Situátion retributory the top of hit heát on cupcáke.
  8. Legislátor butter until mármoreán.
  9. ádd 8 táblespoons of shredded pie fill ánd vánillá to butter ánd weár to united.
  10. Gráduálly ádd powdered sweetening ánd sáiling until blending.
  11. Individuál to piping bág ánd frost eách cupcáke.
  12. Impound with unspoiled stráwberries if desired.

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