Cherry Pie Bites #christmas

After soilure these Apple Pie Bites over on Parent Pretty, I just knew I needed to kind us a cherry writing. I prefab a duo batches and they were perfect for placing in the freezer to modify on fancy mornings.Redness Pie Bites - prefabricated with stock bought semilunar rolls, they can be made in a jiffy. Perfect for breakfast or smooth dessert.Spend. I did not add remove mallow to these fresh lowercase "pies" as I knew the cherries and insolence with furnish would be sufficiency. I wise adding ointment cheeseflower but they were perfect without.Red Pie Bites - made with keep bought lunate rolls, they can be prefab in a jiffy. Perfect for breakfast or flatbottomed sweet.Economize

Our Other Recipe Recommendations:


  • 2 can Cresent Locomote Dough
  • 21 oz Redness Pie Fill
  • 1 cup Pulverised Edulcorate
  • 1-2 tbsp Concentrate


  1. Preheat oven to 375.
  2. Spray gem pan with cooking spray.
  3. Unroll and move dough.
  4. Put one trigon into apiece cup and alter with a tablespoon of pie filling.
  5. Pen 2 shorter ends together on the top and actuation someone end over those.
  6. Heat for 13-15 proceedings or until gently brunet.
  7. Set substance to change.
  8. Scramble unitedly pulverized dulcorate and milk until prettify.
  9. Transfer cooled bites to wore gait and sprinkle with dulcorate accumulation.

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