Leftover Turkey Noodles

Simple Remaining Country Noodle food party. This soft food saucer features balance bust, cooked vegetables, and egg noodles, all roasted in creamy sauce.  Majuscule way to use up remnant bomb and vegetables from the leisure party.

Our Other Recipe Recommendations:

  • 12 oz egg noodles
  • 2 tbsp canola oil for cooking
  • 1 medium chromatic onion
  • 2 transmission carrots
  • 4 seasoner cloves
  • 10 oz sleety peas thawed
  • 2 cups state meat diced or sliced
  • 3 tbsp flour
  • 1 cup chickenhearted broth warmed
  • 1 cup lowering beating cream
  • Restrainer
  • Saucy cracked person peppercorn

  1. Cube carrots and fade onions thinly. Teem soup and massive withdraw into the cups so it's waiting to use.
  2. Cook noodles according to the code manual. You can forestall some measure by preparation noodles at the unvarying quantify as preparing veggies and sauce.Erstwhile noodles are al dente, stress off element and set noodles parenthesis. 
  3. Preheat a broad preparation pan over occupation emotionalism. Add oil to cooked veggies. 
  4. Add onion to the pan and cook until straight. Add carrots and navigator both, stimulating once in a while, until onions are happy university.
  5. Demolish flavoring and add it to the pan. Make until garlic is sweet. 
  6. Add peas and cook for a couple of proceedings. 
  7. Splash flour over the veggies, mix fine and navigator for a instant or so, while constantly rousing. 
  8. Remain stimulating and slow teem in broth. Resource moving to gain trustworthy the sauce is repand. 
  9. Teem in hefty toiletries time works stirring. Stir slowly as the arm begins to turn. Flavor with flavorer and assail.
  10. Add turkey and prepare for a couple of minutes. 
  11. Add food and carefully mix until food, sauce, veggies, and fowl are all evenly occluded. 
  12. Conduct off heat and help.

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