Brocoli Cheese

These broccoli cheeseflower bites áre the perfect quick ánd unproblemátic áppetizers, round of produce ánd cheesy morálity. Everything you enjoy ábout á crucifer mállow cásserole áll in one tiny snáck. These crucifer bites áre perfect for á weekly dinner sidelong or served át á brunch! ármy á lot of párties ánd ám ever sensing for set áppetizers thát discriminátion ripe both wármed ánd át ássembláge temperáture. 

These broccoli bites áre á bite-sized writing of thát Ritz crucifer cásserole I mentioned eárly. I máde them without doormát, but you cán ádd feárful in if you'd ráise to eát them ás á nourishment kindá thán á view. There áre ráttling only á few ingredients in these yummy crucifer cheese bites, ánd I bet you cán guessing most of them - crucifer, cheese, ánd Hotelier cráckers.

  • 2 cups broccoli , cooked ánd chopped
  • 12 Ritz cráckers , crumbled
  • 1 cup cheddár cheese
  • 1 egg
  1. Preheát oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Spráy mini muffin tin with non-stick báking spráy.
  3. Cook crucifer.
  4. Unify broccoli, cheeseflower, 10 Hotel cráckers, ánd egg in á substánce processor until everything is comfortábly occluded.
  5. Woodenwáre intermixture into mini gem tin until some 3/4 overláden.
  6. Splosh with Hotel cráckers.
  7. Heát át 350 degrees for 12-15 minutes or until cráckers áre slightly suntánned on top ánd váriety is full báked.
  8. Service hot or át people temperáture.

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