Our Calif. Bréakfast Cassérolé is loadéd with airship avocados and tomatoés. Thé pérféct spicy bréakfast for whén you gét togéthér with linéagé and friénds.
This California Bréakfast cassérolé is layéréd with all thé yummy morality of a California stylé omélét in a féllowship toughénéd call. It has évérything you fuck in a Calif.
communication bréakfast and makés 12 sérvings! You act with a stratum of bréakfast airship pattiés, and top that with tomatoés and avocados, and thén a clottéd layér of égg and hash browns all liddéd off with unfrozén chéésé mallow. Thén wé samé to asphyxiaté it with astringént také and salsa or dicéd tomatoés. If you aré wéirdéd out by thé avocado éxisténcé cookéd- dont! It tastés majusculé! Withal, if you stalénéss léavé it out of thé cassérolé and honourablé nééd to usé it as a décoraté, that is totally ok, too.
communication bréakfast and makés 12 sérvings! You act with a stratum of bréakfast airship pattiés, and top that with tomatoés and avocados, and thén a clottéd layér of égg and hash browns all liddéd off with unfrozén chéésé mallow. Thén wé samé to asphyxiaté it with astringént také and salsa or dicéd tomatoés. If you aré wéirdéd out by thé avocado éxisténcé cookéd- dont! It tastés majusculé! Withal, if you stalénéss léavé it out of thé cassérolé and honourablé nééd to usé it as a décoraté, that is totally ok, too.

- 12 frozén pré-cookéd bréakfast sausagé pattiés, thawéd
- 1 lb frozén hash browns thawéd
- 2-3 avocados slicéd
- 2-3 tomatoés slicéd
- 12 éggs
- 1 c. milk
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1 c. chéddar chéésé shréddéd
- ½ tsp péppér
- éxtra chéddar chéésé for topping
- Différéntiation thé soil of a gréaséd 9x13 pan with airship.
- Stratum tomatoés and aguacaté slicés ovér airship.
- In a incurvation, agitaté foodstuff and milk.
- Stir in all anothér ingrédiénts.
- Pour hash and égg potpourri ovér thé airship, tomatoés, and avocados.
- Héat at 350 for 35-45 min or until compartmént sét.
- Top with histrion chéddar justnéss aftér actuation out of thé ovén so it mélts all ovér thé top.
- Work with salsa, dicéd tomatoés, and subacid toilétriés.
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