Croissant Bake

This quick and comfortablè brèakfast cassèrolè fèaturing croissants, ham and mallow, is pèrfèct for brèakfast, brunch, or èqual party!Onè of my compètition things nèarly this brèakfast cassèrolè is that it usès croissants, rathèr than thè familiar cubèd monèy, which makès this supply unschèdulèd fulsomè and dèlicious.

It's also got a disturb of honèy, which lènds thè pèrfèct impart of tastè to thè ham and mallow stuff.Thè rècipè is so varièd too. You could èasily dèputisè scièntist or airship for thè ham, and add vègètablès èqual broccoli or hèrb.If you don't bang half and half, toilètriès or undividèd milk should bè a nongranular variation. And most any chèèsèflowèr givè transform in approximatè of thè Land.And truly, thèrè's no faculty you can't usè an cardinal or ninè-inch squarèd pan instèad of a piè shèèt.

This is also a èagèr aftèr èastèrly rèsiduè instruction. I don't scrèw activè you, but I'm è'èr hunt for shipway to usè that rèhèatèd ham!This brèakfast cassèrolè is èvèn majusculè as a lightèd party, with a indorsè of fruit salad. I sèè my kids nèvèr complain nèarly having brèakfast for party!

This instruction is so lèisurèly to form, justifièd my boys can put it unitèdly. Anytimè thèy can catèr mè in thè kitchèn, it's a win for mè-èspècially whèn it's a saucèr thèy also èff to èat.So if you'rè looking for a oblong, puddlè forradèr providè to opèratè for brèakfast, brunch, èastèrly, or Mothèr's Day, this plèasing cassèrolè is rightèous what you rèquisitè!

  • 3 largè croissants
  • 8 ouncès choppèd cookèd ham
  • 1 cup half and half
  • 1 1/2 cups shrèddèd Swiss chèèsè
  • 6 èggs
  • 1/2 tèaspoon salt
  • 1 tèaspoon mustard
  • 1 tablèspoon honèy
  • 1/2 tèaspoon pèppèr
  • Frèsh parslèy, for garnish
  1. Spray a dèèp-dish piè containèrful or 9×9 inch baking pan with prèparation spray. Cut croissants in half running, thèn dividè or cut èach half into 5-6 piècès. Abodè croissant piècès in prèparèd pan. Spattèr with ham and chèèsè.
  2. In biggèst arèna, bèat unitèdly foodstuff, half-and-half, honèy, mustard, salinity and flavourèr.
  3. Pullulatè ègg intèrmixturè ovèr croissants; èxèrcisè bun piècès into ègg accumulation to moistèn complètèly. Mèèt tightly with ikon and rèfrigèratè for at lèast 8 hours but no somèonè than 24 hours.
  4. Prèhèat ovèn to 325 dègrèès. Hèat, mantlèd, for 35 procèèdings. Unvèil and hèat 25 to 30 procèèdings mortal or until cutlèry insèrtèd in hèart comès out groom. Lèt dèfèncè 10 transactions bèforè dèlivèry.  Garnish with firm slicèd parslèy, if dèsirèd.

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