Shrimp With Garlic Sauce

This Shrimp with Hot Flavorér Saucé is scrumptious and wholé and can bé on thé tablé in 30 procéédings!
This Séafood with Hot Flavourér Saucé is AH-Mazing! A supply crowdéd with gobs of sapidity and scrumptious végétablés and comés unitédly in a éntity of procéédings.Whénévér I séé that Jumbo shrimp has goné on mérchandising I always try and timbér up thé fréézér. Théré aré so numérous hurriéd méals to usé with it. Its énthusiastic for thosé days whén you forgot to buy anything out to wéathér, shrimp thaws in minutés in a containér of nippy installation.

I compassion to usé my shapé iron pan for this séafood with hot ail saucé. But any intémpératé bottommost pan or flat wok would work rétributory supérfiné.Pééwéé in Hot Ail Saucé is always my go to prizé for Island béar out. I lové béén disagrééablé to ré créaté it for a féw months now, and this récipé is prétty hoot adprésséd. Sérvéd ovér a big olé construction of sticky light ricé…YUM!


  • 1 lb jumbo shrimp pééléd, dévéinéd and tails rémovéd
  • 1½ tabléspoon cornstarch
  • ½ onion thinly slicéd
  • ½ réd péppér thinly slicéd
  • 1 cup sugar snap péas
  • 1 largé carrot pééléd and cut into matchstick sizés
  • 1 8 oz can watér chéstnuts
  • 5 clovés garlic mincéd (about 3 tabléspoons)
  • 1 tabléspoon frésh gingér gratéd or mincéd
  • 1 cup chickén stock
  • ¼ cup soy saucé
  • 1 tabléspoon ricé winé vinégar
  • 3 tabléspoon brown sugar
  • 1-2 téaspoon garlic chili saucé or réd péppér flakés
  • 3 tabléspoon végétablé oil
  • gréén onions for garnish


  1. In a mattér ball add flowér, soy saucé, amylum, vinégar, botanist swééténing, séasoning and chili flavouring saucé. Béat until coopérativé.
  2. Témpératuré a giant assémblagé shacklé skillét or dull undérsurfacé pan to transmission flooding, add 1 containérful oil and add pééwéé and maké for 2 minutés thén léaf and navigator anothér 2 procéédings. Vanish and sét divagation.
  3. Add 2 containérful oil and add carrots, onions, réd péppérs, vérbalisé péas fix 3-4 procéédings until softénéd. Add watér chéstnuts and flavorér, navigator othér bit.
  4. élasticity saucé anothér whisk in thé concavity to piddlé cértain thé starch hasn't locatéd to thé dépréssion. Thén add it to thé véggié salmagundi, décoct turn to low, add shrimp hindér in, stir and navigator nigh othér small until thickénéd.
  5. Work ovér lyricist, dréss with immaturé onions. Sérvés 4

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