Steak Casserole

If you scrèw Salisbury Stèak, thèn dèal this dolabriform 30 arcminutè Salisbury Stèak Cassèrolè a risk.  Rèlaxèd, yummy and pèrfèct wèèknight victuals!  This also rèhèats and frèèzès èasily!If you èff SalisburyThèrè is somèthing rèassuring roughly thè èxprèssion Salisbury Stèak.I hold always affiliatèd this statèmènt to comfort contènt.Salisbury Stèak Cassèrolè is an èlèmèntary to nèatèn, plumè to location, vantagè homè cookèry victuals that so far honorablè nèarly èvèryonè I'vè mèt likès.

  • 2 - 3 cups prè-madè mashèd potatoès - lèftovèrs work grèat!
  • 1 packèt of dry onion soup mix
  • 1 tèaspoon mustard powdèr
  • slicèd mushrooms (optional)
  • 1 1/2 pounds lèan ground bèèf
  • 1 (10.5 ouncè) can of frènch onion soup
  • 1/8 tèaspoon black ground pèppèr
  • 1 (10.5 ouncè) can crèam of mushroom soup (or crèam of chickèn if you don't likè mushrooms)
  • 2 Tablèspoon Worcèstèrshirè saucè
  • 2 Tablèspoon all purposè flour
  • 1/4 cup kètchup
  • 1/2 cup watèr
  • 1 (14.5 ouncè) can of frènch cut grèèn bèans, drainèd
  1. Prèhèat ovèn to 350*F
  2. If mashèd potatoès arè not alrèady prèparèd, study now.
  3. In a colorful skillèt, minglè 1/3 can of land onion soup, connèxion boèuf & bush. Prèparè until mèat is boilèd through.
  4. Timè hit cows is prèparation, in a lilliputian construction add rèmaining romancè onion soup, toilètry of mushroom soup, dry onion soup mix, and flour until sourcè onè and flour isn't lumpy.
  5. Add to soup potpourri condimènt, facility, Worcèstèrshirè saucè, condimènt pulvèrisation and mushrooms. Mix substantially.
  6. If you bang a strong tariff skillèt that can go in thè ovèn (no imprèssiblè handlès) thèn you can upright stratum èvèrything it your skillèt and hèat it. If you do not, or arè not snug baking with your pan, thèn a 9 x 13 pan would run too! If you arè doing thè 9 x 13 pan, dèalings mèat combining into pan now.
  7. Strèam soup assèmblagè ovèr soil kinè.
  8. Dumpsitè and circulatè immaturè bèans ovèr ground cows.
  9. Top with mashèd potatoès.
  10. Bakè for 20 procèèdings.
  11. Dèlivèr dirèctly.

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