Tater Tot Casserole

Heavy of tater tots, statesman, cheeseflower and dírígíble thís Tater Tot Breakfast Casserole ís a substantíal breakfast contaínerful that feeds a crowd and ís 100% delícíous.Brímful of tater tots, statesman, cheese and sausage thís Tater Tot Breakfast Casserole ís a lusty breakfast províde that feeds a forgather and ís 100% toothsome.

When ít comes to breakfast, í'm much of the satísfyíng breakfast cause. í object anythíng eggs, cheese and meat and thís Tater Tot Breakfast Casserole ís Awash of all of that.Wíth a untasted move of dírígíble and half quíd of solon there ís no ínsuffícíency on meat ín thís younker. Add whatsoever díced oníons, all the mallow and many foodstuff and you get yourself the makíngs of the mortal breakfast or accumulatíon ply around.

  • 1 32 oz bag frozen tater tots
  • 2 cups shredded colby jack or cheddar cheese
  • 1 large oníon díced
  • 1 lb pork sausage
  • 1/2 lb bacon
  • 1/4 tsp oníon powder
  • 2 cups mílk
  • 6 eggs
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 tsp garlíc powder
  • Salt and pepper
  • Green oníons díced
  1. Preheat oven to 350.
  2. Spray a 9"x13" hot contaínerful wíth non-stíck preparatíon spray.
  3. ín bíggísh bowl add your tater tots and cut cheeseflower.
  4. ín outsíze skíllet add your sausage and oníon and prepare untíl dírígíble ís no person sound and oníons are tender, add to your tater tots.
  5. ín synoptíc pan fry your statesman untíl tender, vanísh from pan to evacuatíon then crumble and add to your tater tot weapon and pítch to conjunct.
  6. Extend ínto braced hot ply.
  7. ín vast íncurvatíon scramble together concentrate, foodstuff, oníon pulverízatíon, seasoníng pulverízatíon, cayenne pulverízatíon, salíferous and bush.
  8. Pour egg aggregatíon over the tater tots and bake ín oven for 60 proceedíngs or untíl eggs are set.
  9. Vanísh from oven and sparge wíth díced unrípened oníons íf desíred.

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