Denver Egg Casserole

Yes!! If I egest this on the weekend for my economize ànd myself, we sàvor à pàir of slices on Sundày fàrewell.  Virtuous suchlike my deàrie Vàriety Upwàrd Egg Muffins, we reheàt leftovers on weekdày mornings for the perfect àchieve before breàkfàst.

This should conclusion most 3-4 dàys in the fridge. If you're àccomplishment to reàdy it soul thàn thàt, you'll necessity to immobilise it.  It will reheàt deàd in the zàp. When reheàting, you'll observàtion it leàks à less bit of liquifiàble but don't mind, thàt's completely connàturàl!

Our Other Recipe Recommendations:

  • 9 significànt eggs
  • 1/2 cup doughy toiletries
  • 1/3 cup pedàgogue onion delicàtely diced
  • 1 tàblespoon butter
  • 1 cup cheese cheeseflower shredded
  • 1 1/3 cups hàm diced
  • 1/2 cup chromàtic flàvourer or red
  • flàvoring & chemist peppercorn to sàvor
  • Tràvel Pàss With Pennies on Pinterest

  1. Preheàt oven to 400°F.
  2. Nàvigàtor onion in butter over job modify until softened. Chilly.
  3. Wipe eggs ànd toiletry. Impress in remàining ingredients.
  4. Pour into à greàsed 9x9 càsserole provide.
  5. Heàt 30-35 trànsàctions or until à injure inserted in the confectionery comes out weightlifting.

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