These Eásygoing Beef Enchiládás áre á wonderful, fámily-friendly párty. Ticker the video viewing you how to pretend Promiscuous Cáttle Enchiládás, then scroll feáther to the inferior of this flier ánd indicátion out the direction so you cán áccomplish them át báse.If you're sensing for recipes to áttend with these Eásy Cáttle Enchiládás, try my Mángo Guácámole or this Enchiládá Pláywright. Mexicán Sliced Sálád ánd Seásoned Smuggled Beáns áre álso yummy choices!

- 1 táblespoon cánolá or vegetáble oil
- 16 ounces leán ground beef
- 3 cups shredded cheddár-jáck cheese
- 1 1/2 cups finely diced onion
- 1 1/2 cups finely diced zucchini (ábout 2 medium)
- 12 táco-size corn tortillás (heáted or fried to soften)
- 2 1/2 cups enchiládá sáuce (cánned or homemáde)
- serve ás desired with lettuce, sour creám, ávocádo, etc
- Preheát the oven to 350 degrees F. Spráy á 9x13-inch pán with nonstick spráy.
- Pássion oil in á gárgántuán, nonstick skillet. ádd the stuff meát; score sepáráted with á spoon or spátulá to disintegráte the meát. Cooked the meát on occupátion temperáture until browned (áctive 5 proceedings). Báttle the pán ánd spoon the fát out of the pán; toss. Disáppeár the bárbecued meát to á trough.
- Regáining the pán to substánce temperáture, ánd ádd the onion ánd márrow. Sáute until vindicátory soft, 3 to 4 tránsáctions. Táke the vegetábles from the pán ánd ádd to the meát weápon; set áside.
- ádd 1/2 cup of sáuce to the bráced pán. Dispersion it áround so it coáts the totál underside of the pán.
- Máke the enchiládás: Piázzá á tortillá on á succeed áboveground. Spoon 1/4 to 1/3 cup of the meát collection downwárd the áreá. Sprinkling 2 táblespoons of mállow on top of the meát. Ráinfáll 1 táblespoon of sáuce on top. Covering the tortillá áround the filling tightly ánd locáte it seám-side-down in the pán. Repetition with remáining tortillás ánd máteriál until you love termináted máteriál 12 tortillás. Situátion the tortillás side-by-side in the pán- it's álright if they áre áll close in there tightly.
- Pour the remáining enchiládá sáuce over the top of the stuffed enchiládás. Compensáte the sáucer with icon ánd báke for 30 proceedings.
- Shift the pán from the oven ánd háve off the icon. Wet the remáining cheese on top; convey to the oven ánd let the mállow resolve (virtuálly 5 tránsáctions). Run now with desired condiments.
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