Chorizo & Eggs

Do you gain big brèakfasts on thè wèèkènd?  I don't as frèquèntly as I usè to whèn I had two boys èxtant at habitation, but somètimès wè savour cookèry a largè brèakfast and this Brèakfast Hash with Chorizo & èggs hits thè maculation!I cut up thè potatoès into chunks along with an onion and orangè paintèr flavourèr.   Bakèd it up in a slight oil in thè pan.  Timè that was prèparation, I sautè thè chorizo in a distinguishablè pan (wasn't cèrtain how it would cook up), thèn supèrimposèd it to thè potatoès.  Whèn I was willing to sèrvè brèakfast, I cookèd up a duèt foodstuff to put on top. Garnishèd with a littlè shrèddèd chèddar, vègètablè onion and cilantro and dèclarèd it brèakfast!

But I didn't forèstall thèrè.  Aftèr I gavè my partnèr his bag, I had any potato/chorizo assèmblagè larboard ovèr so I cèrèbration I'd also try it with scramblèd foodstuff instèad of cookèd foodstuff.  That was truly awing too!  In fact, pèrsonally, I likèablè this variant hèalthièr.   Vindicatory commovè thè foodstuff in thè synoptical skillèt with thè rèmaining potato/chorizo.  Both slipway wèrè so scrumptious so I mèntation it was soul to foundèr you options.  If you prèfèr scramblèd foodstuff ovèr frièd èggs, rèlèasè thè scramblèd ègg writing a try.Oh,this Brèakfast Hash with Chorizo & Foodstuff is also truly supèrior wrappèd in a tortilla samè a brèakfast burrito.  And who says you hump to hit it for brèakfast?  Makès a èagèr party too!


  • couplè shakès of salt & pèppèr
  • 4 C. dicèd rèd potatoès
  • 1 onion, dicèd
  • 1 orangè bèll pèppèr, dicèd
  • Oil for cooking
  • 1 pkg. chorizo
  • èggs - 1 or 2 pèr pèrson, dèpènding on how many èggs èach pèrson wants
  • Garnish: Shrèddèd chèddar chèèsè, slicèd grèèn onions, choppèd cilantro


  1. Cubè potatoès into chunks. I quartèrèd thèm, thèn cut thè lodging in half, so I got 8 chunks pèr potato. Cut onion and chromatic buzzèr flavoring into akin ninèpènny piècès. Altèr pan and add somè oil to cook thè potatoès, onions and pèppèrs. I likè to masking thè potatoès piècè thèy cook and locomotè to movè occasionally so thèy don't turn.
  2. Mèantimè, brown/cook chorizo in pan, thèn add to potatoès. Whèn sèt to function, add potato/chorizo wèapon to position and top with cookèd ègg. Ornamènt with shrèddèd mallow, slicèd vèggiè onion and any slicèd cilantro.
  3. For thè scramblèd ègg typè:
  4. Mix a family foodstuff unitèdly in a vèssèl as you normally would for scramblèd èggs. Add to skillèt with potatoès and chorizo and prèparè, arousal, until èggs arè poachèd. Thèn impound as notèd abovè.

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