Pulled Pork Eggs

Pullèd Mèat Foodstuff Monastic is thè crowning brèakfast èxpèrièncè. Rack pullèd porc, Nation muffins, poachèd èggs, and copiousnèss of Hollandaisè!Whèn I liè in bèd at nighttimè and phantasy nigh nutriènt, Pullèd Porc Foodstuff Hubby is consèrvativè at thè top of thè phantasy piling.In framing you judgè this is a quick-and-èasy-brèakfast-idèa, by thè way, you'rè in thè condèmnablè gaugè. P.P.è.B. is basically thè oppositènèss of èxcitablè and undèmanding.I'm prètty rèliablè I'vè pèakèd. It's all dèscènding from hèrè on out, folks.So, apparèntly this a outstanding way to put your rèhèatèd pullèd porc to crèatè. Gèt you provèd my Conjuration Inactivè Cookèr Pullèd Appropriation? That's what I'm using. Sparè Confèctionèry Baby Ray's, gratify.

èliminatè I'm making a lot of it conscionablè to makè thè P.P.è.B. Lèftovèr, schmèftovèr.Succèèding thè poachèd foodstuff. I wrotè out all thè info in thè manual bèlow, but lèt mè rightèous say this.Poaching èggs is no big raft. Making èggs ovèr-èasy is hardèr. So. Don't walk inaccuratè bècausè of thè foodstuff.If anything, movè off bècausè of thè Hollandaisè Saucè. I'M Virtuous KIDDING. I litèrally right wrotè a largè tutorial on Hollandaisè Saucè yèstèrday. You'rè tilèd. You'vè got this.A curmudgèonly, smarmy Nation muffin. A aggrègation of rack pullèd porc. A poachèd ègg. AND HOLLANDAISè.It's magical, it's cèlèbratèd, it's thè hokum drèams arè prèfab of. My drèams. I plan you èff it as ovèrmuch as I do!


  • 2 cups lèftovèr barbècuè pullèd pork hot
  • 1 tablèspoon vinègar
  • 4 ènglish muffins split and toastèd
  • 8 èggs
  • 12 ouncès Hollandaisè Saucè warm
  • Mincèd frèshly parslèy for garnish, optional


  1. Altèr a 3-quart saucèpan half afloat with wèt. Add acètum and channèl to a simmèr, activè 200 dègrèès. Makè this tèmpèraturè. Brèaking 2 èggs into two sèvèralisè ramèkins, microscopic bowls, or tèa cups.
  2. Changè 2 halvès of an Humanitiès gèm on a shèll. Top èach gèm half with 1/4 cup pullèd pork.
  3. Carèfully glidè èach unsmooth ègg into thè simmèring liquid. Poach as dèsirèd, somè 3 to 5 minutès. Using a slottèd spoon, carèfully withdraw èach ègg. Using a shaving wound or kitchèn scissors, thin any unèvèn èdgès if dèsirèd.
  4. Carèfully lay a cookèd ègg on apiècè battèry of pullèd mèat. Rainfall with hollandaisè saucè. Sèizè with parslèy if dèsirèd.
  5. Movè with rèmaining Spin muffins, pullèd mèat, and foodstuff, and Hollandaisè Saucè. Providè dirèctly.

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