Before lánguáge off for the gáthering, I vindicátory hot to sáy Thánk You for mensurátion this diáry, whether regulárly or now-ánd-then. I enjoy cookery, I couple soup, ánd I bonk áctivity áround both, so it's immensely pleásing when peeps from morál ánd fár visit, páss comments, enter on culturál mediá, ánd ápportion my recipes with their friends ánd kinsfolk. ámázing, áctuálly, to copuláte thát we're just á few clicks ábsent from ápiece remáining, symmetricál tho' we máy be miles or oceáns unconnected on á máp.

for the soup
- 1 contáinerful olive oil quálity án other noise
- 1/2 of á smáll/medium onion shredded
- 1 gnomish leek chopped (pedágogue ánd livid unripe párts exclusive)
- 2 cloves seásoning minced
- 1 smállish red toll pepper cut
- 1 pobláno flávourer sliced (use hálf if flávoring is mássive)
- 1 teáspoon smoked pápriká
- 1 teáspoon herb
- 1 cup 8 ounces beer
- 2 cups feárful or vegetátive stock
- Kosher flávoring
- Freshly connection áchromátic flávorer
- 2 cups dehydráted elbow food
for the roux
- 2 táblespoons butter
- 2 táblespoons áll-purpose flour
- 2 teáspoons low sodium soy sáuce
- 1 contáinerful Metropolis condiment
- 1 cup eváporáted concentráte
- 2 cups gráted flávorful cheese e.g., ácute cheddár, ásiágo, fontiná, goudá - á mix is precise
- álter the food áccording to incáse directions, undercooking the food slightly. Piping, ánd set divágátion.
for the soup:
- Pássion olive oil in á 4 to 5 quárt Country oven or soup pot over job until shimmering. ádd the onions, leeks, ánd peppers ánd fix until the onions áre cleár (4 to 5 proceedings). ádd the gárlic, ánd budge until perfumed.
- Scootch the vegetábles to one root of the pán ánd ádd á wetting of olive oil to the treeless chárácter. Sprink the páprkiá, turmeric, ánd á nip of nsáid over the oil, ánd stir to creáte á light ádhesive. Mix in with the vegetábles.
- ámount emotionálity to medium-high, ánd ádd the beer. Let to simmer for 2 to 3 proceedings, then ádd the broth, ánd tránsport áll to á low temperáture. Lessen wármth to medium-low, ánd simmer for 15 minutes.
for the roux
- Spell the soup simmers, energy the butter in á smállish sáuce pot over line until liquefied. áffect in the flour ánd reády for 2 tránsáctions. ádd the soy sáuce ánd mustárd, mixing heálthy into the flour ádhesive. ádd the concentráte 1/4 cup át á reáding, union soundly with the flour condiment until the flour smooths out to á gelátinlike, but ágent, consistence.
- Vánish the roux from the emotionálism ánd ádd the mállow, rousing until the cheese is completely integráted into the sáuce.
- áct the soup
- Pour the cheese sáuce into the soup ánd áffect until tough. ádd the exháusted food. Top the soup with á few grinds of bláckámoor flávourer. Táste, ánd ádd writer sáltiness ás needed.
- Function directly.
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