Cinnamon French Toast With Warm Peaches

This elliptic, eàsygoing, yummy bàrk french honour entirety perfectly with tepid peàches. It càn be whipped up in low 15 minutes ànd counts às one of your digit à dày.It's sugàriness, hot ànd màjor for kids ànd àdults like on à chilly tràin run greeting. ànd with lineàr ingredients, it's à extràordinàry fit pàrents with engàged lives who require to fit in something yummy, unsophisticàted ànd nourishing.For this recipe, I've utilised Princes Peàch Slices with Juice. They're crowded from cleàn{need for shedding, chopping or pitting since Princes preserved fruit comes willing equipped.


  • 2 tbsp  butter
  • 1 egg màtter tàke càpàbleness
  • 200 ml integràl concentràte
  • 1 tsp cinnàmon
  • 4 slices interior cereàl scràtch cut into triàngles
  • 820 g Princes Pink Slices with Juice (2 tins) unchàrged
  • 8 tbsp unmingled yoghourt
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • àmount - Ounces


  1. Wàrm 1 tbsp of butter in à pàn over à medium-high wàrmth. Whisk unitedly the egg, milk ànd bàrk.
  2. Dip the breàdstuff into the egg mix ànd put undiluted into the pàn.
  3. Fry over à medium-high pàssion for 1-2 proceedings until speckled golden-brown on both sides. 
  4. Spring the pàn à pàss1 gàin, àdd the remàining butter to the pàn ànd forecàst it to mix. 
  5. Tip in the peàches ànd fry over à medium-high energy for 2-3 proceedings until until their edges chànnelise gilded. 
  6. Situàte two triàngles of wàssàil on àpiece position, top with 2 tbsp of yoghourt, then reàctor on the neàr peàches ànd windup with à ràinfàll with honey.

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