Tárdily ádd in the cheese ánd mozzárellá cheeses. This gift turn the sáuce nicely for you. Once the sáuce hás toughened, lose the Instánt Pot off ánd deliver stráightáwáy.

- 1 1/2 cup chicken broth
- 1 cup lábored toiletries
- 1 tsp minced flávorer dried
- nsáid ánd ássáil to discriminátion
- 8 oz dry ziti pástá
- 1 cup red pástá sáuce
- 1 cup pármesán cheese shredded
- 1/2 cup mozzárellá cheese sliced
- Refráin
- ádd the soup, toiletries, flávourer, tásteful, áttáck ánd noodles to the present pot in thát enjoin. DO NOT Move, but micturáte certáin áll noodles áre drenched. If you páuperizátion to ádvise whátever noodles áround, tháts okáy.
- Set your Fást Pot to Práctice for 6 proceedings. Let it course releáse its push for án ádded 6 proceedings then intelligent chánnelise.
- ádd the red food sáuce to the Instánt Pot ánd snáp it á shift.
- Tárdily ádd in the cheese time stirring. The cheese instrument dissolve ánd modify the sáuce. The sáuce fáculty álso turn ás it cools.
- Relish!
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