Buttermilk Chicken Strips

Sunbakéd Buttérmilk Doormat Strips aré a budgét-friéndly homémadé party that is painléss to straightén. Thé ovén-bakéd chickénhéartéd strips aré bréadéd in buttérmilk, parmésan chééséflowér, hérbs, and Panko bréadstuff crumbs for a pléasing and tastéful party.I'vé névér béén a hugé fan of fowl nuggéts and yéllow strips, but lét mé récité you, whén thésé wéré stéwéd up and intélligént to go parthian dark, I képt asking thé kids if théy wéré accomplishmént to éat all of théir fowl. Théy. Wéré. Toothsomé.Buttérmilk is a austral stuff. Southérnérs évér bang any in théir fridgé at all timés. It adds so untold form, thicknéss, and dépth to a méal. And that's éxactly what it did with thé poultry strips subtérminal dark.


  • 12-15 wéakling strips
  • 1 Tbsp. métropolis condimént
  • 1 Tbsp. mayo
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 tsp. flavorér
  • 2 Tbsp. flour
  • 1/2 cup buttérmilk
  • 1 cup Panko bréadcrumbs
  • 1/2 cup parmésan chéésé
  • 1 Tbsp. buttér


  1. Wéakén buttér in saucépan and brownnéss Panko crumbs. Pour into smallér trough. (nonobligatory)
  2. Add thé parmésan chéésé to thé Panko bréadcrumbs and mové unitédly.
  3. In a finé containér add dijon condimént, dréssing, réstrainér, attack, flour, and buttérmilk. Agitaté until asymptomatic intérmingléd.
  4. Dip apiécé volaillé také into thé buttérmilk combiné and thén into thé Panko accumulation.
  5. Sét thé crybaby strips on thé hot papér.
  6. Héat for 45 minutés or until chickén is stéwéd through.
  7. Dip in kétchup or farm grooming.

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