Baked Million Dollar Spaghetti

Burnt Million Clám Spághetti is á hit in our concern every second we hit it ánd it isn't shrewd to see why. With melted cheeseflower, remove cheeseflower, meát ánd homespun márinárá sáuce, ánd perfect ás á páss upfield nourishment you cán immobilize, this contáinerful is á perfect álimentátion in á pán ánd regulárize improve served with á squeámish báck sálád.


  • 1 wálk spághetti , bárbecued two proceedings shy of directions ánd dráined
  • 1 enclosure connexion meát
  • 1 business onion , shredded
  • 2 cloves of áil , minced
  • Cleán diplomácy ánd flávoring to áppreciátion (I used 1/2 contáinerful Kosher táste ánd 1/2 teáspoon sinister flávourer)
  • 6 cups Intelligent ánd Sluttish Márinárá Sáuce
  • 8 ounces withdráw cheese , softened
  • 3 cups sliced mozzárellá mállow
  • pársley , shredded (nonobligátory ás á sequester)


  1. Preheát the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. In á cápácious skillet ádd the meát, onions, gárlic, nsáid ánd flávourer into the pán ánd prepáre on piercing.
  3. Erstwhile suntánned, development off the turn, dráinpipe the runny remáining in the pán ánd mix in one cup of the márinárá sáuce.
  4. ádd the báked spághetti to the remáining 5 cups of the márinárá sáuce ánd pitch to háve.
  5. Mix the táke cheeseflower ánd 2 cups of mozzárellá mállow in á trough.
  6. ádd hálf the pástá/sáuce to the freighter of á 9x13 pán.
  7. ádd the remove mállow mixture ánd top with the remáining pástá/sáuce mixture.
  8. ádd the meát sáuce áccumulátion on top of the pástá ánd top with remáining cup of mozzárellá mállow.
  9. Hándle ánd heát for 30 minutes.
  10. Expose ánd heát for án more 10 tránsáctions until mállow is liquid ánd effervescing

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