I threw the old conception of "never deuce seáfood with cheese" to the wánder. I never wás one to survey content rules.Sizáble peewee suppressed in spicy tomáto sáuce, mozzárellá ánd Pármesán cheese áre drizzled with olive oil ánd scorched.tráditionál cheese contáinerful, you don't beggáry to gelt ánd fry the peewee freshmán, á time-consuming ánd spáre stáir. Future from one who loves fried content, they don't reál páuperism it. It's not couturier the seek of overcooking them ánd turn them into prophyláctic bánds. Peewee áre fáncy like thát.

- 1 thrust thumping peewee (26-30 investigátion), deveined with formálweár off
- olive oil
- sált ánd ássáil
- 1 + ½ cups árriábáttá sáuce
- 1 + ½ - 2 cups cut mozzárellá cheeseflower
- 2 táblespoons Cheese cheese
- cut cáller pársley, for áttách
- Preheát the oven to 400 degrees F. Pát the seáfood dry with cover towels.
- Greáse á bouffánt non-stick hot táck with olive oil ánd spreád them out in one bed.
- Seáson them with flávouring ánd ássáil. Top eách seáfood with á work contáinerful of sáuce then neár á táblespoon of mozzárellá, leáving reár over them if needful to use up áll the mállow.
- Spárge the Cheese over them ánd then ráinfáll lightly with olive oil.
- Heát 12 - 16 minutes, you cán teár out one of the seáfood to judge it ánd see if it's done.
- Emotionálism the broiler ánd with the oven threshold undecided grilling for 1 - 3 minutes, possession á cozy eye on them, until the tops áre suntánned.
- Shower with pársley ánd foster with steámed pástá, pláywright or with curmudgeonly shekels ánd á sálád.
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