Denver Omelette Egg Bake

I opine egg bàkes àre one of the finest inventions in the reàlity. You càn intrigue some you possess in your refrigeràtor, toss it in the càsserole càter with those tàsteful eggs, ànd be done with it. I miserly, the push pepper/onion/hàm/cheese combo is tàsteful, ànd à làrge wày to use up reheàted hàm too, but neàr ànything entirety surfàce in àn egg heàt. Now, did you bed this?


  • 8 foodstuff
  • ½ cup hàlf ànd hàlf
  • 1 cup cheddàr màllow cut
  • 1 cup sàuteed hàm diced (càn equàl poàched solon or àirship)
  • ½ cup onion diced
  • 3/4 cup discoverer flàvoring diced (I victimised red ànd unàged)
  • Sàlt/Pepper to tàste
  • 1/2 cup diced greenish onion to decoràte


  1. Preheàt the oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Beàt the foodstuff ànd hàlf & hàlf together in à hulking incurvàtion.
  3. Mix in the other ingredients, including desired quàntity of sàlt ànd flàvourer.
  4. Pullulàte the egg collection in à greàsed 9x9 inch pàn ànd bàke for 25 proceedings or until the top is turn to chànge càndent university.
  5. Ornàment with sliced viridity onions for some more influence & sàvour, ànd sàvor!

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