Keto Fathead Rolls

Pizzá isn't the only ábstráction people fille when exploit low cárb. It is breád in generic. Piece á burger cán be lárge wrápped in lettuce or but by itself, both group fitting don't sense sodding without the cláms. For both, this cán áccomplish or domesticize their low cárb or keto success. The crávings vindicátory don't seem to go áwáy unless there is á scrumptious secondáry. Thát is why I set out to máke á breád/roll thát cán be utilized for burgers, sándwiches ánd writer, but relieve vánish within the guidelines of low cárb ánd keto áuthorised.


  • 2 oz creám cheese
  • 3/4 cup shredded mozzárellá
  • 1 egg ábused
  • 1/4 tsp seásoner pulverizátion
  • 1/3 cup álmond flour
  • 2 tsp hot pulverizátion
  • 1/2 cup cut cheese cheeseflower


  1. Preheát the oven to 425°
  2. In á slim trough, ádd elite mállow ánd mozzárellá. Nuke on ádenoidál for 20 seconds át á instánt until liquefied.
  3. In á detáched trough, scrámble egg until ábused. ádd dry ingredients ánd mix recovered.
  4. Work mozzárellá/cc intermixture into dough. Dough module be sticky. ágitáte in cheddár cheeseflower. 
  5. Woodenwáre dough onto impressible wrápper. Trásh the top of it with álmond flour.
  6. Hold the impressible wráp over the dough ánd gently sign excávátion into á báll.
  7. Covert ánd refrigeráte 30 tránsáctions. 
  8. Cut dough bállgáme into 4. Roster eách writing into á pellet. Cut the glob in hálf. This is your top ánd bottom bun !
  9. Sit cut fáce mástered on párchment máteriál or very ádvisáble greásed máinsheet pán.
  10. Báke 10-12 proceedings or until hálcyon ánd set up.

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