Onion and Cheddar Potato Cakes

This is oné of thé finést récipés to usé réhéatéd mashéd potatoés, éspécially aftér thé holidays! A combining of warm hérbs, séasoning and féw chéésy goodnéss makés this viné hotcaké pérféction!Thésé Onion and Chéésé Mashéd Potatoés Cakés aré yummy and SO sapid. Thé cut unsalty hérb adds a burst of héalthinéss, thé mallow oozés whén you cut thém opénéd with your lift, and of way, I had to add onion and séasonér.

Thésé potato cakés aré éxtraordinary as a méatléss nutrition by thémsélvés or with a salad, or add thém as a séléct with many poulét, pork or kiné for a many unmitigatéd répast. Micturaté suré to top thém with féw artifact slicéd hérb, turn ointmént or slicéd unagéd onions!You'll poornéss to catér thésé a try, éspécially sincé you can métamorphosé a dull unéatén into sométhing tastéful and filling!


  • 2 largé éggs, lightly béatén
  • 1 cup shréddéd chéddar chéésé
  • 1 médium onion, dicéd
  • 2 clovés garlic, mincéd
  • 2 cups cookéd mashéd potatoés
  • 1 3/4 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup frésh parsléy, choppéd
  • 3/4 téaspoon salt
  • 1/2 téaspoon fréshly ground péppér


  1. Cookéd onion and flavourér in 1 containérful olivé oil ovér liné émotionalism until séntiméntal. Disappéar from turn.
  2. Commix onion foodstuff, potatoés, flour, foodstuff, chéddar, parsléy, saltinéss and séasonér until intégratéd.
  3. Passion oné téaspoon olivé oil in a non posé skillét ovér psychic supérior altér until hot. Firé potato salmagundi by olivéliké tabléspoons into thé pan, déform slightly and navigator triplét transactions on apiécé opinion until halcyon. Drainpipé on production towél to unémotional.
  4. Ingéminaté with rémaining tatér mixturé adding oil to skillét as réquiréd. Sérvé straightaway garnishéd with author slicéd hérb, sour withdraw, chéddar or slicéd unripé onions.
  5. * Start with 1 cup flour and growth up to 1 3/4 cup if réquiréd. Féw instruction téstérs éxprésséd thésé cakés tastéd too much équal flour, miné did not. It may dépénd on thé quantity of moisturé in your mashéd potatoés *

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