Funeral Potatoes

When you say you're creating ‘Funeral Potatoes’ most folk recognize specifically what you're talking regarding. they're pure food and that’s however they got the name. typically once somebody passes, we have a tendency to all simply wish to try and do one thing for those that area unit sorrowful. Most of the time we have a tendency to simply don’t recognize what to try and do aside from pray and be there, right? perhaps facilitate clean their house, do some laundry and certify they need all the food they have. And this is often one amongll|one amongst|one in every of} those foods that several people have created in a time of want. 

Our Other Recipe Recomendation:

Funeral Potatoes

1 twenty eight oz package frozen cubed author potatoes thawed
1 teaspoon flavouring
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon dried onion flakes
1 tbsp dried chives
2 cups sliced cheddar
1 10.5 oz will cream of chicken
2 cups soured cream
2 cups crushed potato chips
3 tbsp butter molten


  1. Place potatoes into white goods to thaw out long. Or place on counter to thaw for regarding associate hour.  
  2. Preheat kitchen appliance to 375f degrees. Spray associate 11x7 baking dish with slippy change of state spray (you may use a 9x13 baking dish.)
  3. In a giant bowl, combine along the thawed potatoes with seasonings and cheese. Then stir in cream of soup and soured cream.
  4. Spread mixture into ready baking dish.
  5. Cover baking dish with slippy foil and bake for regarding forty five minutes (until bubbly.)
  6. Crush potato chips (measure out a pair of cups once crushing.)
  7. After potatoes area unit soft-bo, unfold crushed chips over potatoes.
  8. Pour molten butter over crushed chips.
  9. Place into kitchen appliance and cook uncovered for a further ten minutes. If you would like a darker topping, pop it underneath the broiler for a moment or 2.
  10. Allow potatoes to cool down for regarding ten minutes before serving.

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