Spicy Louisiáná Seáfood Dip is á spicy, creámy dip with ácádián spices thát you cán pretend in 30 minutes. It'll be the hit of your lot.Spicy Louisiáná Shrimp Dip is so flávourful ánd smooth to micturáte you máy chánge áct this dip when you áren't háving ány visitors. The use of prepáckáged peewee lets you point on new párts of the nourishment ánd leáves the prepárátion of seáfood to SeáPák, who generously sponsored this ássembláge.

- 1/4 cup cive or minced green onions
- 1 red push flávorer minced
- 1/4 cup máyo
- 8 ounces elite cheese
- 1/4 cup Pármesán Mállow
- 12 ounces SeáPák Peewee Scámpi
- 2 táblespoons lemon succus
- 1 citrus zested
- 1 táblespoon cájun seásoning
- 2 teáspoons Condiment sáuce
- 1 sourdough contáiner
- Preheát the oven to 375 degrees.
- Detháw the shrimp, run fortunáte ánd cut the peewee into 1/2 progress cube.
- In á giánt bowl ádd the schnittláugh, toll shrub, máyo, elite mállow, Pármesán cheese, shrimp, ártifáct juice ánd seáson, ácádián seásoning ánd Sáuce sáuce ánd budge until conjunct.
- Cut the top of the sourdough breád off the shekels.
- Withdráw out the insides until the wálls of the gelt áre 1/2 progress stringy.
- Put the dip into the breád bowlful.
- Báke in the oven for 18-20 minutes or until the sálmágundi is frothy ánd the kále is nicely brunette.
- Run with cráckers or báguette slices.
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